Source code for predeval.continuous

"""Library of classes for evaluating continuous model outputs."""
from numbers import Real
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from .parent import ParentPredEval

__author__ = 'Dan Vatterott'
__license__ = 'MIT'

[docs]class ContinuousEvaluator(ParentPredEval): """ Evaluator for continuous model outputs (e.g., regression models). By default, this will run the tests listed in the assertions attribute (['min', 'max', 'mean', 'std', 'ks_test']). You can change the tests that will run by listing the desired tests in the assertions parameter. The available tests are min, max, mean, std, and ks_test. ... Parameters ---------- ref_data : list of int or float or np.array This the reference data for all tests. All future data will be compared to this data. assertions : list of str, optional These are the assertion tests that will be created. Defaults is ['chi2_test', 'exist']. verbose : bool, optional Whether tests should print their output. Default is true Attributes ---------- assertion_params : dict dictionary of test names and values defining these tests. * minimum : float Expected minimum. * maximum : float Expected maximum. * mean : float Expected mean. * std : float Expected standard-deviation. * ks_stat: float ks-test-statistic. When this value is exceeded. The test 'failed'. * ks_test : func Partially evaluated ks test. assertions : list of str This list of strings describes the tests that will be run on comparison data. Defaults to ['min', 'max', 'mean', 'std', 'ks_test'] """ def __init__( self, ref_data, assertions=None, verbose=True, **kwargs): super(ContinuousEvaluator, self).__init__(ref_data, verbose=verbose) # ---- Fill in Assertion Parameters ---- # self._assertion_params_ = { 'minimum': kwargs.get('min', None), 'maximum': kwargs.get('max', None), 'mean': kwargs.get('mean', None), 'std': kwargs.get('std', None), 'ks_test': None } assert isinstance(kwargs.get('ks_stat', 0.5), Real), 'expected number, input ks_test_stat is not a number' self._assertion_params_['ks_stat'] = kwargs.get('ks_stat', 0.5) # ---- create list of assertions to test ---- # self._possible_assertions_ = { 'min': (self.update_min, self.check_min), 'max': (self.update_max, self.check_max), 'mean': (self.update_mean, self.check_mean), 'std': (self.update_std, self.check_std), 'ks_test': (self.update_ks_test, self.check_ks), } # ---- create list of assertions to test ---- # assertions = ['min', 'max', 'mean', 'std', 'ks_test'] if assertions is None else assertions self._assertions_ = self._check_assertion_types(assertions) # ---- populate assertion tests with reference data ---- # for i in self._assertions_: self._possible_assertions[i][0](self.ref_data) if ('std' not in assertions) and ('mean' in assertions): self._possible_assertions['std'][0](self.ref_data) # ---- populate list of tests to run and run tests ---- # self._tests_ = [self._possible_assertions_[i][1] for i in self._assertions_] @property def assertion_params(self): return self._assertion_params_ @property def _possible_assertions(self): return self._possible_assertions_ @property def assertions(self): return self._assertions_ @property def _tests(self): return self._tests_
[docs] def update_ks_test(self, input_data): """Create partially evaluated ks_test. Uses `Kolmogorov-Smirnov test from scipy <>`_. Parameters ---------- input_data : list or np.array This the reference data for the ks-test. All future data will be compared to this data. Returns ------- None """ input_data = np.array(input_data) if isinstance(input_data, list) else input_data assert len(input_data) >= 25, 'Not enough data for reliable KS tests' self.assertion_params['ks_test'] = partial(stats.ks_2samp, np.array(input_data))
[docs] def update_min(self, input_data): """Find min of input_data. Parameters ---------- input_data : list or np.array This the reference data for the min-test. All future data will be compared to this data. Returns ------- None """ input_data = np.array(input_data) if isinstance(input_data, list) else input_data assert len(input_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' self.assertion_params['minimum'] = np.min(input_data)
[docs] def update_max(self, input_data): """Find max of input data. Parameters ---------- input_data : list or np.array This the reference data for the max-test. All future data will be compared to this data. Returns ------- None """ input_data = np.array(input_data) if isinstance(input_data, list) else input_data assert len(input_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' self.assertion_params['maximum'] = np.max(input_data)
[docs] def update_mean(self, input_data): """Find mean of input data. Parameters ---------- input_data : list or np.array This the reference data for the max-test. All future data will be compared to this data. Returns ------- None """ input_data = np.array(input_data) if isinstance(input_data, list) else input_data assert len(input_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' self.assertion_params['mean'] = np.mean(input_data)
[docs] def update_std(self, input_data): """Find standard deviation of input data. Parameters ---------- input_data : list or np.array This the reference data for the max-test. All future data will be compared to this data. Returns ------- None """ input_data = np.array(input_data) if isinstance(input_data, list) else input_data assert len(input_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' self.assertion_params['std'] = np.std(input_data)
[docs] def check_min(self, test_data): """Check whether test_data has any smaller values than expected. The expected min is controlled by assertion_params['min']. Parameters ---------- comparison_data : list or np.array, optional This the data that will be compared to the reference data. Returns ------- (string, bool) 2 item tuple with test name and boolean expressing whether passed test. """ assert self.assertion_params['minimum'] is not None, 'Must input or load reference minimum' test_data = np.array(test_data) if isinstance(test_data, list) else test_data assert len(test_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' min_obs = np.min(np.array(test_data)) passed = True if min_obs >= self.assertion_params['minimum'] else False pass_fail = 'Passed' if passed else 'Failed' if self.verbose: print('{0} min check; min observed={1:.4f}'.format(pass_fail, min_obs)) return ('min', passed)
[docs] def check_max(self, test_data): """Check whether test_data has any larger values than expected. The expected max is controlled by assertion_params['max']. Parameters ---------- comparison_data : list or np.array, optional This the data that will be compared to the reference data. Returns ------- (string, bool) 2 item tuple with test name and boolean expressing whether passed test. """ assert self.assertion_params['maximum'] is not None, 'Must input or load reference maximum' test_data = np.array(test_data) if isinstance(test_data, list) else test_data assert len(test_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' max_obs = np.max(np.array(test_data)) passed = True if max_obs <= self.assertion_params['maximum'] else False pass_fail = 'Passed' if passed else 'Failed' if self.verbose: print('{0} max check; max observed={1:.4f}'.format(pass_fail, max_obs)) return ('max', passed)
[docs] def check_mean(self, test_data): """Check whether test_data has a different mean than expected. If the observed mean is more than 2 standard deviations from the expected mean, the test fails. The expected mean is controlled by assertion_params['mean']. The expected standard deviation is controlled by assertion_params['std']. Parameters ---------- comparison_data : list or np.array, optional This the data that will be compared to the reference data. Returns ------- (string, bool) 2 item tuple with test name and boolean expressing whether passed test. """ assert self.assertion_params['mean'] is not None, 'Must input or load reference mean' assert self.assertion_params['std'] is not None, 'Must input or load reference mean' test_data = np.array(test_data) if isinstance(test_data, list) else test_data assert len(test_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' mean_obs = np.mean(np.array(test_data)) two_std = self.assertion_params['std'] * 2 passed = [False, False] passed[0] = True if mean_obs >= self.assertion_params['mean'] - two_std else False passed[1] = True if mean_obs <= self.assertion_params['mean'] + two_std else False pass_fail = 'Passed' if all(passed) else 'Failed' if self.verbose: print('{0} mean check; mean observed={1:.4f} (Expected {2:.4f} +- {3:.4f})'.format( pass_fail, mean_obs, self.assertion_params['mean'], two_std)) return ('mean', all(passed))
[docs] def check_std(self, test_data): """Check whether test_data has any larger values than expected. If the observed standard deviation is less than 1/2 the expected std or greater than 1.5 times the expected std, then the test fails. The expected standard deviation is controlled by assertion_params['std']. Parameters ---------- comparison_data : list or np.array, optional This the data that will be compared to the reference data. Returns ------- (string, bool) 2 item tuple with test name and boolean expressing whether passed test. """ assert self.assertion_params['std'] is not None, 'Must input or load reference std' test_data = np.array(test_data) if isinstance(test_data, list) else test_data assert len(test_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' std_obs = np.std(np.array(test_data)) half_std = self.assertion_params['std'] * 0.5 passed = [False, False] passed[0] = True if std_obs >= self.assertion_params['std'] - half_std else False passed[1] = True if std_obs <= self.assertion_params['std'] + half_std else False pass_fail = 'Passed' if all(passed) else 'Failed' if self.verbose: print('{0} std check; std observed={1:.4f} (Expected {2:.4f} +- {3:.4f})'.format( pass_fail, std_obs, self.assertion_params['std'], half_std)) return ('std', all(passed))
[docs] def check_ks(self, test_data): """Test whether test_data is similar to reference data. If the returned ks-test-statistic is greater than the threshold (default 0.2), the test failed. The threshold is set by assertion_params['ks_test']. Uses `Kolmogorov-Smirnov test from scipy <>`_. Parameters ---------- comparison_data : list or np.array, optional This the data that will be compared to the reference data. Returns ------- (string, bool) 2 item tuple with test name and boolean expressing whether passed test. """ assert self.assertion_params['ks_test'], 'Must input or load reference data ks-test' test_data = np.array(test_data) if isinstance(test_data, list) else test_data assert len(test_data.shape) == 1, 'Input data not a single vector' assert len(test_data) >= 25, 'Not enough data for reliable KS tests' test_stat, p_value = self.assertion_params['ks_test'](np.array(test_data)) # pylint: disable=E1102 passed = True if test_stat <= self.assertion_params['ks_stat'] else False pass_fail = 'Passed' if passed else 'Failed' if self.verbose: print('{0} ks check; test statistic={1:.4f}, p={2:.4f}'.format( pass_fail, float(test_stat), float(p_value))) return ('ks', passed)